Swansea needs councillors who vote against cuts! No to austerity - vote Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition (TUSC).

Don’t waste the opportunity to send a clear ‘no more cuts’ message by voting for Ronnie Job, TUSC: the only no-cuts, socialist candidate in Swansea West in the 2015 General Election!

Saturday 14 April 2012

Politicians receive one final payment at our expense.

Today's Evening Post picks up on a story that has been circualting for a couple of days in Wales, of 22 former AMs who were either defeated or stood down at the last election, sharing over £840,000 in resettlement payments.

See article: http://www.thisissouthwales.co.uk/AMs-net-pound-840-000-payout/story-15812579-detail/story.html

TUSC condemns politicians standing down or failing to be re-elected, picking up payments ranging between £27,000 and £51,000. Public sector workers made redundant in some cases by cuts passed on by these politicians won''t be getting payments of anything like this level and if we walk away from jobs to take up other posts (assuming we can get them) we don't receive any payments. Here is the take of TUSC in Wales on this issue form the TUSC Wales Blog site: http://tuscwales.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/failed-politicians-dip-one-last-time.html

Further posts in this blog related to politicians expenses include:

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